Ср, 2024-10-09, 00:06
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putin and shoigu are planning to cut down and sell Ukrainian forests.
Інші останні Іншомовні новини

The occupying state plans mass deforestation of Ukrainian forests. This is stated in a letter from russian Defense Minister shoigu "On the possibility of felling on defense lands," which is addressed personally to putin.

The document aims to obtain a permit for the total felling of Ukrainian "forests, trees, shrubs and greenery." It is planned to cut down "any intensity and any age, regardless of ownership and category of land with the right to use the resulting wood."

At the same time, the letter states that wood not used for the needs of the russian Armed Forces will be sold, and the proceeds will go to support the occupying army.

Today, without exception, all forests in the temporarily occupied territories are in the highest risk zone. The total felling of greenery is another terrible crime of the occupiers and the creation of an ecocide.

The last time this happened on the territory of Ukraine was during the Nazi occupation when the invaders destroyed and exported material and natural values.

Повідомляють Новини європейської України
Категорія: Іншомовні новини | Переглядів: 1129 | Додав: abel | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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