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How to make money on your own YouTube channel: tip
Інші останні Іншомовні новини

How to make money on your own YouTube channel: tip

In this article, we’ll talk about how to create and promote your own YouTube channel. Many people who visit the expanses of the global web at least once, but wanted to become an end to it and have their own YouTube channel. In this article, we’ll take a few simple steps to create a YouTube channel with its subsequent monetization, but first, I’d like to note that you can always buy views for it online, simply by clicking on the link to the SMM YouTube website.

YouTube Channel: First things First

The first thing you need to do is come up with a name for the channel so that it attracts visitors to view your videos. It should be noted that the name of the channel will be indexed by search engines. The most successful queries can be viewed on the wordstat.yandex.com website. Here, on this site, you can also see statistics on key queries.

So now that we have come up with the name of the YouTube channel, we need to work on its header. You can make a hat in Photoshop yourself, or you can order it to a familiar designer. Next - download thematic videos. I must say that the video is considered good if in the first week it gains at least 1000 views. But when we downloaded the videos, made a spectacular description, prompting the user to see your product, you need to start promoting your videos.

This is easy to do - you need to share them on social networks, give information about your videos on forums, etc., and also remember about the opportunity to buy the necessary number of views, which we mentioned at the beginning of the article.
How to make money on your YouTube channel?

In fact, YouTube is partnering with a media network like Google AdSense. You can, of course, connect to a media network, such as air, for example, but then the media network will take thirty percent of your income. Well, how much they pay - there is no exact answer. Approximately $ 1 per thousand views.

That is why, if you want to earn more, you should have more views. There should be no further problems with them when your YouTube channel becomes popular. But for this there is a main condition - all video materials should be interesting to people, they should watch and share them with their friends.

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